Monday, January 25, 2010

BIG Ultrasound Results...

So I had my BIG Ultrasound on the 19th, and the results are in - it's a GIRL! The tech thinks I may have been dehydrated because I drank the amount of liquid they said to drink, and my bladder still wasn't very full. But I didn't see any kind of evidence of a boy. She was picking out the kidneys and the stomach from what just looked like a belly to me, so I figure if she says it's a girl - it is.

So far everything looks normal. Travis got to see the baby wiggle around and everything for the first time, which I think he secretly liked more than he let on.

I have to check in with my cardiologist, my OB is scheduling a fetal echo and I have another 4 week appointment all in February. AND it's my birthday on the 10th, too. Looks like it will be a busy time!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! She looks really cute. So happy for you and Travis. Plus, Tracy and Scott are going to be great grandparents!!! Love the blog and I am going to suggest to my son, Steve, that he and his wife, Jenny, do something similar. Yes, they are expecting in September!!

    Will keep checking your progress on the blog.
