Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Either I cursed myself, or I have a very obedient baby

16 weeks today!

I had an OB appointment, which I have been anxiously waiting for. Before I left work for it, I looked down at my belly and said "Don't cooperate with the doppler so I can have an ultrasound." Lo and behold, the doctor couldn't find the heartbeat with the doppler, so I got an ultrasound! It was just a quick one, maybe 1 - 2 minutes. Everything is fine. The heartbeat was a strong 145 bpm, so I am starting to think more and more that it's a boy.

I scheduled the BIG ultrasound for January 19! I have to find the sheet of info on my next cardiology appointments, because I have no idea when they are, other than in January :X I may have to call them to refresh my memory.

After the anatomy scan and the cardiologist, I will go to an ultrasound specialist to get a fetal heart echo and make sure that the baby doesn't have any heart defects related to Marfans. It seems January will be a busy month for us!

Monday, December 7, 2009

It's been a while

The end of the semester push has me busy and neglecting to update.

I had my ultrasound 2 weeks ago on Monday morning. I don't know how I managed to drink all the liquid required for it, but holy cow did I have to pee! Luckily it didn't take too long, and everything is fine so far. The baby was all scrunched up on the right side of my uterus, so the tech had to wiggle the ultrasound wand on my belly to get it to move. It seemed to be sleeping (can't say I blame it, it was early!) They gave me a few pictures, and I met with a nurse who told me that everything is normal.

Next appointment is on the 22nd. It's just routine, so it'll be pretty boring, I'm sure!