Friday, November 20, 2009

Second OB Appointment 11/16/09

On Monday I went in for my 2nd OB appointment. They've assigned me a doctor, and he seems really nice. We decided to do the first trimester screening, mostly because I wanted an excuse to have an ultrasound. I go in on Monday for the first round of bloodwork and the ultrasound :)

Basically they just took my weight (I've lost 5lbs!), gave me the H1N1 vaccine, asked if I had any questions and that kind of thing. At the end, we got to hear the heart beat, which was exciting. Travis called his mom, and said it sounded like someone swinging a rope around their head. He's pretty much right on that one, so if you're curious to know what a baby's heart beat sounds like, try it, haha!

Hoping I get pictures on Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Loren and Travis. What an exciting time in your lives - lots of "firsts". I am enjoying the blog and look forward to reading all about your experiences as the pregnancy moves along!

    Take care and hope you are over the nausea stage.

    Love and best wishes, Sharon M.
