Thursday, October 29, 2009

Echo of my Heart and 8 Weeks

Yes, I do indeed have a heart. I saw it yesterday. The ladies that did my echo were fantastic :) One was having trouble getting a 3 chamber view, so she had to call someone else in. They told me what the measurments of my aorta were before I left (though they said 'Shhh! We didn't say anything! The cardiologists love to disagree with us') When I got measured in March it was 3.8, yesterday it went between 3.3 and 3.5. 4.0+ is where they start to think something is wrong, so thus far it's nothing to worry about. They both saw the mitral valve problem, which is funny to me because the pediatric cardiologist I saw in March said it wasn't there! Given that those 2, and the 2 other cardiologists in that practice, plus the cardiologists I had in Germany all saw it, I'm going to hazard a guess here and say that Dr. Stone wasn't paying enough attention.

Anyway, I am hoping that because of what they told me I will be done with Dr. Hickox after my next appointment. I really, really didn't like him. And if I am done with him, that means I can keep everything local as far as appointments go. Not to mention it means no more seeing specialists! I'm already getting sick of going to doctors!

I am 8 weeks, 2 days today if all is still going well. Here's a little peek at Shrimpy:

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