I AM SO SICK OF THIS CRAP!!! Someone get this damn baby out of me NOW. Don't fricking tell me I don't have long left, or I'll make it, or I'll get by, or it'll be fine. Just reach up and rip her the hell out of me!!
I am sick and tired of limping around like a deranged monkey. I'm tired of being able to FEEL that all the bones in my right leg are totally out of socket and rubbing all over hell and not being able to do anything about it. I'm sick of having to ask Travis, or the ladies at work to do EVERYTHING for me. I can't even go down the damn stairs to get my own donut. I have to eat lunch alone in the conference room around the corner because I can't make it to the staff room anymore. I'm tired of sitting down in a chair or on the toilet and wondering if I am going to be able to get back up. I'm tired of taking a shower and worrying my leg will give out under me. Come to think of it, I'm tired of wondering if the next step I take will be the one where everything pops out for good. I'm tired of getting stared at if I do walk in public.
I want to be able to go SHOPPING for groceries if I want. I want to be able to take in a deep breath and not yelp because it hurts all the way down to my foot. I'm sick and tired of crying every other night because I'm in so much pain and so frustrated. I'm tired of having to grab on to everything and everyone just to stay upright.
I've taken enough Tylenol to destroy the liver of a small bull elephant. I am officially more excited to just not have to deal with this shit anymore than I am to hold my baby. I seriously contemplate beating up old ladies to take their walkers or their rascals. I have to physically lift up my leg and move it half the time to get it where I need it to go, which makes driving out of the question or very dangerous.
My blood pressure is up because of the stress on my body, which in turn could be affecting the other marfans elements that we've been monitoring. I KNOW the stress is taking a toll on the baby, because if it's this bad for me, it has to be bad for her. AND NONE OF MY DAMN DOCTORS CARE!! Apparenly being this immobile is NORMAL. Apparently having bones not in their sockets and not being able to do a god damn thing for myself is to be expected and there's nothing they will do.
I AM SO OVER THIS. Everybody better enjoy this baby, because it'll be the only one we have. I want my damn life back.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Wouldn't Be a Pregnancy Without One Scare...
So I had a bit of a scare this morning. I was getting ready for work, making my lunch, when I felt a gush of fluid. At first I though it was just the usual for what pregnancy brings until I went to the bathroom and realized that there was a lot of it, it was clear and watery, and it had no odor to it.
So I called the doctor's office and they gave me a choice of coming in at 10:30am or going to the hospital to get checked. Needless to say, I chose the doctor's office. When I got there EVERYONE pretty much knew who I was after I said I was a last minute squeeze in. Apparently I am the type of phone call they dread getting.
They 'took a look under the hood' for the lack of a better term and tested the fluid. It was not amniotic fluid, which is very good. Everything looked normal and in order, and her heart rate was good (in the 140s). They think that since her head is right on my cervix, it's causing the regular fluids to back up and leak at random intervals AND the pressure on my bladder caused me to leak urine. So basically I peed my pants.
Never have I been so happy to learn that I peed my pants.
Anyway, my next appointment is April 6th, and I should be scheduling a 3-D ultrasound during that week as well. Guess I can't say it was a boring day!
So I called the doctor's office and they gave me a choice of coming in at 10:30am or going to the hospital to get checked. Needless to say, I chose the doctor's office. When I got there EVERYONE pretty much knew who I was after I said I was a last minute squeeze in. Apparently I am the type of phone call they dread getting.
They 'took a look under the hood' for the lack of a better term and tested the fluid. It was not amniotic fluid, which is very good. Everything looked normal and in order, and her heart rate was good (in the 140s). They think that since her head is right on my cervix, it's causing the regular fluids to back up and leak at random intervals AND the pressure on my bladder caused me to leak urine. So basically I peed my pants.
Never have I been so happy to learn that I peed my pants.
Anyway, my next appointment is April 6th, and I should be scheduling a 3-D ultrasound during that week as well. Guess I can't say it was a boring day!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Delivery Date and More!
So I have scheduled my last 2 cardiology appointments for the pregnancy, which is very exciting to me. I have to go in for one more echo, and then follow up with him after that. He's sent a letter to my OB about my C-section, so everything should be all set with that.
I did my gestational diabetes screening at my last OB appointment, and I will be calling about it today. I scheduled my C-section, too. Lyric will be born June 1st! The surgery is scheduled for 7:30am, which means we will have to be at the hospital at 5:30am, but that's okay because I won't be allowed to eat before then!! I know I'll be starving when all is said and done, haha.
This week I am: developing a brain, hardening a skeleton and helping mature her lungs and muscles. Better up my calcium intake, because she'll need it!
Next appointment is March 31st :)
I did my gestational diabetes screening at my last OB appointment, and I will be calling about it today. I scheduled my C-section, too. Lyric will be born June 1st! The surgery is scheduled for 7:30am, which means we will have to be at the hospital at 5:30am, but that's okay because I won't be allowed to eat before then!! I know I'll be starving when all is said and done, haha.
This week I am: developing a brain, hardening a skeleton and helping mature her lungs and muscles. Better up my calcium intake, because she'll need it!
Next appointment is March 31st :)
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Fetal Echo Results and Other News
I had my fetal Echo on February 16. It was basically a longer, more zoomed in ultrasound. There were a few points where I could tell she's still a girl, which is nice, haha! The office that did it was my cardiologists office from when I first started getting checked for Marfans, which was a plus because I was familiar with the doctor who would be reviewing it. So far there are NO SIGNS of Marfans in or around Lyric's heart! He would like to recheck her when she is between 6 and 12 months old, and keep an eye on it until she is through puberty just to make sure that nothing changes, but so far, so good!
I went to my regular cardiologist on February 8th, and he more or less told me not to be surprised if I just have to schedule a C-section. I asked my OB what her thoughts were on that at my appointment on the 16th, and she said that if that is what the cardiologist thinks will be best, then we should do that. So I will be getting a note from the cardiologist next appointment stating that he feels a C-section is medically necessary, and I will be scheduling my C-section at my next OB visit! We get to pick a day that is within the week before my due date. So here is hoping I don't go into labor early and all goes well!
Everything else at the OB appointment was fine. My weight gain is on track, and her heartbeat was 152 :)
I will also have my gestational diabetes screening at my next appointment, which I am somewhat dreading. I have no real reason to expect bad results, but I am still hoping for a good one.
Until next time :)
I went to my regular cardiologist on February 8th, and he more or less told me not to be surprised if I just have to schedule a C-section. I asked my OB what her thoughts were on that at my appointment on the 16th, and she said that if that is what the cardiologist thinks will be best, then we should do that. So I will be getting a note from the cardiologist next appointment stating that he feels a C-section is medically necessary, and I will be scheduling my C-section at my next OB visit! We get to pick a day that is within the week before my due date. So here is hoping I don't go into labor early and all goes well!
Everything else at the OB appointment was fine. My weight gain is on track, and her heartbeat was 152 :)
I will also have my gestational diabetes screening at my next appointment, which I am somewhat dreading. I have no real reason to expect bad results, but I am still hoping for a good one.
Until next time :)
Monday, January 25, 2010
BIG Ultrasound Results...
So I had my BIG Ultrasound on the 19th, and the results are in - it's a GIRL! The tech thinks I may have been dehydrated because I drank the amount of liquid they said to drink, and my bladder still wasn't very full. But I didn't see any kind of evidence of a boy. She was picking out the kidneys and the stomach from what just looked like a belly to me, so I figure if she says it's a girl - it is.
So far everything looks normal. Travis got to see the baby wiggle around and everything for the first time, which I think he secretly liked more than he let on.
I have to check in with my cardiologist, my OB is scheduling a fetal echo and I have another 4 week appointment all in February. AND it's my birthday on the 10th, too. Looks like it will be a busy time!
So far everything looks normal. Travis got to see the baby wiggle around and everything for the first time, which I think he secretly liked more than he let on.
I have to check in with my cardiologist, my OB is scheduling a fetal echo and I have another 4 week appointment all in February. AND it's my birthday on the 10th, too. Looks like it will be a busy time!

Friday, January 15, 2010
Cardiologist Part II: Electric Boogaloo
So I had my recheck at the cardiologist today. According to him, my aortic root appears dialated, and has gotten bigger, but is not out of the range of normal yet. He put me on a low dose of a blood pressure medicine as a precaution and to help take the strain off my aorta. He's going to recheck me in 3 weeks to make sure that I am tolerating the medicine well, and then if I am, he will double the dose that I am on.
In other news, I am now 5 months along. My big ultrasound is on Tuesday! I am excited for it.
Travis had an interview for a new job. I'm really hoping he gets it because it would be such a big help for us. Keep your fingers crossed!
In other news, I am now 5 months along. My big ultrasound is on Tuesday! I am excited for it.
Travis had an interview for a new job. I'm really hoping he gets it because it would be such a big help for us. Keep your fingers crossed!
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